Week in Review 6/15/2018

Last Monday, JAC held its annual Power of Women Luncheon in Chicago. Nearly 400 women (and a few men) attended the event. The theme, SEE SOMETHING. SAY SOMETHING. DO SOMETHING was a call to action to end gun violence by voting and supporting candidates who will stand up to the NRA.

Fred Guttenberg and Parkland students, Alex Wind and Sofie Whitney, joined us for an emotional and inspiring afternoon. Their courage and resiliency empowers all of us to take action. They cannot change this country alone. They need our help.

This November we have a chance to stop the NRA's hold on Congress. We need to send legislators to Washington, D.C. who will put our children's safety over the NRA's interests. We can only do this if we VOTE, and if we get all our friends and family to vote.

"It's not fair," said Sofie Whitney. "Our politicians haven't been taking action. Politicians have loyalty to the NRA that secedes their loyalty to their constituents. Voting them out is the only way to get anything done."

Every member of Congress votes on every issue. If you can't vote them out, then fund them out. Your donation to JAC and our candidates helps us elect candidates from across the country, who will fight to end gun violence by passing common sense gun safety laws.

"Gun violence can happen anywhere. We can't stand on the sidelines and be complacent,"  said Fred Guttenberg. "We will break the gun lobby and we will win."

Watch and share our JAC video on gun violence. Then urge your friends and family to get involved. Join JAC. Donate to JAC-endorsed candidates.
And vote.  

JAC's 2018 Video - #Enough

We need to stand up and DO SOMETHING now. Tomorrow may be too late.

Elections matter. Elections have consequences.