Tina Smith





RACE SUMMARY: Appointed by MN Governor Mark Dayton, to fill the seat vacated by former-Senator Al Franken, who stepped down in 2017. The former MN Lt. Governor will fill out the remainder of the term and south reelection to this seat in November of 2018. She defeated former White House ethics Richard Painter in the primary and went on to retain her seat with 53% of the vote.

VOTING RECORD: Project Vote Smart, Govtrack US



PARTY: Democrat

BORN: 3/4/1958

EDUCATION: Stanford University (B.A.); Dartmouth College (M.B.A.)

OCCUPATION: Former chief of staff to Governor Dayton

FAMILY: Married, 2 Children


  • U.S. Senator (2018-present)
  • Lieutenant Governor of Minnesota (2015-2018)


  • Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
  • Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
  • Health, Education, Labor & Pensions
  • Indian Affairs

Appointed: 2018



  • Supports a strong U.S.-Israel relationship
  • Supports Israel's right to self-defense
  • Supports a negotiated two-state solution



  • Supports Roe v. Wade
  • Former vice president of Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota


In Her Own Words

“If, in a year from now, Minnesotans are saying about me, ‘She fought really hard for us. She advocated with a lot of common sense and passion for what is going to be best for us, whether it’s tax fairness or health care costs, or dealing with the opioid crisis or broadband in rural Minnesota.’ If they say, ‘She fought really hard for those things, she stayed focused on trying to find a path even when everything is so divisive in Washington,’ I will feel that I have done the best that I can.1

"Family planning is key to women's economic opportunity, and I trust women and families to make their own decisions about their reproductive health care." 2

SOURCES: 1) www.twincities.com   2) www.smith.senate.gov


Interesting Facts

In 2016, Roll Call named Smith to their "America's Top 25 Most Influential Women in State Politics" list, citing her high profile role in the Dayton administration.

Former Vice President of External Affairs for Planned Parenthood - 2003-2006.

Before going to college, she worked on the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska.