Highland Park Stores - Please Post "No Gun" Signs

88 Americans. Each day 88 Americans are killed by gun violence and hundreds more are injured.

Newtown, Oak Creek, Aurora, Tucson, Binghamton, Henderson, DeKalb, Virginia Tech, Roseburg. The list keeps growing.

We are tired of waiting for Congress to do something -- and we know you are, too.

But we don't have to wait - we can take action in our own community to make it safer for our children, our families and ourselves.

Join JAC in urging local stores and retailers to post a "No Gun" sign in their window. Illinois law allows for concealed carry of guns, except in those locations where a proper sign is posted. By posting this simple sign, local retailers will let their customers know they value the safety of their community. But many are worried they will receive push-back from vocal NRA supporters.

Sign the petition and show them you stand with them as they help to protect our community.


Dear Highland Park Retailers,

Illinois law allows concealed carry of guns, except where this sign is posted:

We, your customers and neighbors, ask that you please post this sign in your shop to show that you value the safety of your customers and our community. While we cannot pass the laws to make our communities safer, we can stand together and show that we will not allow unrestricted guns in our shops, our grocery stores, and our boutiques.

Thank you for supporting the safety of our community.

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56 signatures as of Tuesday, July 16, 2024 - 9:33pm.
Date of Signature
Format: 07/16/2024 - 21:33