Info About JACPAC

Membership Information

Membership Levels:
Hineni Division $5000
Diplomat $2500
Congressional Circle $1000
Pacesetter $500
Patron $250

Basic members receive the EZ-Read - a weekly online newsletter, the JAC NewsBreak - a bi-monthly analysis on issues and races, as wells as invitations to Washington, DC and community events.

In addition to these benefits, Leadership Circle members ($500+) invitations to selected events.

Diplomat ($2500+) and Hineni ($5000) members receive all of the above plus personal invitations to special events and private briefings.

As a member of JAC you are invited to Washington, DC to meet face-to-face with members of Congress, leaders in all branches of government, top-level policy makers and political analysts. As part of a well-briefed JAC contingent, you will play a key role in maintaining the dialog that keeps the pro-Israel, pro-choice, anti-right wing message alive on Capitol Hill. Participation in the political process has never been so important — and JAC makes it so easy.

Click here to sign up!

Why Join a PAC?

  • PACs are a way that like-minded individuals can be effective in expressing themselves and their values in the political process.
  • PACs, the current method of campaign financing, are a way that individuals can pool their resources to make a greater impact.
  • Groups which oppose Israel have their own PACs; ultraconservative groups have PACs; anti-choice groups have PACs. 
  • With the power and reputation of a PAC behind you, your donation for a candidate or a cause means more than it would on its own.

How does JAC compare to other organizations?

  • JAC devotes its resources to research, advocacy, political education, and candidate support.
  • JAC recognizes that philanthropy and political action are separate but complementary endeavors.  Jewish institutions and programs benefit from both.
  • There are many pro-Israel-only organizations.  JAC is pro-Israel-plus.  Looking at issues through a Jewish lens requires that we pay attention to a social agenda in keeping with the values of the Jewish community.

JACPAC Puts Individual Candidate Donations to Work
Here's how

  • JACPAC identifies candidates who will benefit by members' donations and who will make excellent members of Congress, acting in JACPAC members' behalf.
  • After joining or renewing, members are encouraged to make donations to candidates of their choice and always send them to JACPAC for delivery to the candidates. This in no way detracts from the donor's personal relationship with the candidate. In fact, it enhances it.
  • Members' contributions are combined or bundled -- using JACPAC as the conduit -- to make a greater impact than any single donation could make on its own. JACPAC members, not just a select few leaders, personally deliver the collected contributions. Through this personal contact, candidates understand that the donations come from a national network of Jewish contributors who care about Israel, reproductive freedom for women, and separation of religion and state.
  • Members who attend fundraising events in their own communities are encouraged to call the JAC office and we will send you paperwork to accompany your donation that indicates you are a member of JAC. We may have additional donations can be hand-delivered at this event.  Bundling is a powerful tool that fortifies an individual contribution.

Criteria for JACPAC Candidate Selection 

  1.  Voting record or position paper on U.S.-Israel relationship
  2.  Leadership positions in Senate or House
  3.  Committee assignments
  4.  Voting record or position paper on reproductive rights and separation of religion and state
  5.  State or district demographics
  6.  Case-by-case analysis of the race and the opposition
  7.  Electability
  8.  Financial need

Although each election contest is judged on its particular merits, JACPAC sticks with incumbent friends over challengers; stays out of primaries (unless the primary IS the race); stays out of races in which candidates on both sides equally meet JACPAC's criteria.

A JACPAC endorsement means a candidate meets JACPAC’s criteria and is generally aligned with our values.  It does not always guarantee a perfect record on every vote or issue.