Talking Points Palm Springs, CA

JAC is excited to bring Talking Points to Palm Springs! Please join us for this inaugural event on Wednesday, March 12th at 4:00 pm.

JAC is honored to welcome Congressman Raul Ruiz, MD, serving California's 36th district as the speaker for our inaugural Talking Points event in Palm Springs. A proponent of JAC's issues, we are proud he agreed to be our keynote speaker.

Please join us - RSVP BELOW.

Talking Points is open to all JAC members. The first session of Talking Points is complimentary. If you like it and think it is worthwhile, please join JAC and come again.


**Address will be provided upon confirmation of RSVP.**

Thursday, March 12, 2015 - 9:00pm to 10:30pm
Colin Fisher Studios
Cathedral City, CA 92234
Registration is complete.

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